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英迪格酒店(R)推出Shop the Neighbourhood客房,让顾客可以购买客房内陈列的展品

2019/7/15 15:20:55 来源:中国企业新闻网

导言:IHG®(洲际酒店集团)在全球100多家英迪格酒店(Hotel Indigo®)中推出可购物的酒店客房,让所有顾客都可以在同一个地方通过社交媒体从全球最佳艺术家和手工艺人手中直接购买艺术品和工艺品。英迪格酒店的Shop the Neighbourhood客房聚焦当地社区故事,为每家酒店的独特设计提供灵感,旨在激发我们的好奇心,并鼓励探索我们尚未体验过的社区故事。

IHG®(洲际酒店集团)在全球100多家英迪格酒店(Hotel Indigo®)中推出可购物的酒店客房,让所有顾客都可以在同一个地方通过社交媒体从全球最佳艺术家和手工艺人手中直接购买艺术品和工艺品。英迪格酒店的Shop the Neighbourhood客房聚焦当地社区故事,为每家酒店的独特设计提供灵感,旨在激发我们的好奇心,并鼓励探索我们尚未体验过的社区故事。

Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.
Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.

Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.
Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.

Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.
Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.

Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.
Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.

Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.
Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.

Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.
Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.

Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.
Hotel Indigo celebrates its 100th property with the launch of a shoppable hotel room that allows anyone to buy direct from the best artists and craftspeople from around the world, in one place, on social media.

购物客房精选手工艺人和当地制造商的工艺品及产品,这些手工艺人和制造商包括知名女帽制造商Gladys Tamez (洛杉矶中心区英迪格酒店(Hotel Indigo® Los Angeles - Downtown))、Trabi Safari (柏林东边画廊英迪格酒店(Hotel Indigo® Berlin – East Side Gallery))、希拉里-格兰特(Hilary Grant)(杜迪英迪格酒店(Hotel Indigo® Dundee))、Les-Ottomans Home Design(威尼斯圣艾勒纳英迪格酒店 (Hotel Indigo® Venice Sant'Elena))、著名街头艺术家李-奥内斯(Lee Quiñones) (纽约下东区英迪格酒店(Hotel Indigo® Lower East Side New York))和猫王收音机(Muzen radio)(曼谷无线路英迪格酒店(Hotel Indigo® Hotel Indigo - Bangkok Wireless Road))。

英迪格酒店全球营销副总裁Jason Moskal表示:“我们非常高兴首次将最优秀的当地设计作品聚集在一起,让消费者有机会将我们的优秀社区作品和工艺品带回家。与当地手工艺人合作将这个概念付诸行动堪称一场冒险之旅。”

IHG欧洲室内设计主管Henry Reeve称:“在约100家英迪格酒店®中,每家酒店的风格完全不同。我们与当地企业和手工艺人不懈合作,确保每家英迪格酒店的核心理念能够真正代表所在社区。每家酒店背后的故事都非常具有吸引力。不论是杜迪酒店中绘在护墙板栏杆上的作弊代码,还是柏林第100家酒店内的迷你Trabant汽车,每家英迪格酒店都会让您在踏入酒店的那一刻感受到当地社区的独特风格。”



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